Personal Fitness Training

Personal Fitness Training

Studies show that 30 minutes of moderate activity 5-7 days a week is associated with a 30-40% lower risk of heart attack or stroke. In fact, your level of fitness may be a better predictor of death than other risk factors like smoking, high…

Personal Nutrition Plan

Personal Nutrition Plan

When it comes to determining a personal nutrition plan, it seems like every week, another book or article comes out about a new diet or food fad. You’ve heard it all: Atkins, Zone, Ornish, paleo, etc. Should you go vegan or gluten free? Or…

Healing Touch

Healing Touch

Ever notice how you feel when someone gently puts his hand on your shoulder when you’re feeling down? Or when someone gives you a high-five after a major accomplishment? Or how hugs from different people feel differently? There is increasing evidence that each person…

Guided Imagery / Hypnosis

Guided Imagery Hypnosis

Thank you for joining me in a gentle journey of relaxation… Find a comfortable seated or lying position and close your eyes. Focus on your breath, slowly inhaling and exhaling from your belly. Allow your body to feel heavy and relax. Now imagine you…

Experiential Field Trips

Experiential Field Trips

“We don’t stop playing because we get older. We get older because we stop playing.” Have you always wanted to try something or go somewhere but were afraid to do it alone? Have you ever been curious about something but were afraid to ask…

Home Visits

Home Visits

A healthy life begins with a healthy home. Do you avoid going home because it sucks your energy and leaves you tired? Do you wonder how you can optimize your home environment for health? Discover what may be generating a toxic atmosphere and learn…

Positive Outlook

Want to learn how to have a positive outlook in life? Want to feel healthier and happier? I can help you find motivation and inspiration!


Are you wondering how to fit health and wellness into your busy schedule? Looking for more balance in your life? Let’s talk!

Food and Mood

Are you curious about how food can affect mood? Would you like help in making healthier food choices? Are you interested in learning about how health coaching can help you make your own healthy changes?

Where to Begin

Have you ever wanted something in your life but found you couldn’t achieve it alone? Do you feel stuck and don’t know how or where to start to regain your health? See if health coaching is right for you!