Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed? Do you feel drained by certain relationships? Are you ready to create a thriving lifestyle?

It’s time for a spring clean! Learn how to declutter, simplify, and prioritize your life to allow more room for growth, joy, and happiness!

Join me online from the comfort of your own home on Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 5pm PDT.
Register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0lde6uqDMsE9yholSoAtSKJ_O_FDGjdFyg

In this workshop, you will discover what things are bogging you down, learn how to align your priorities with what’s important to you, and create action steps to start decluttering and spring clean your life! Unable to make it? Read more on my blog here.

Event co-hosted and sponsored by Marlene’s Market and Deli

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